Jan 06, · Introduction. World Population Day is observed every year on 11th July to raise awareness on the world population, its growth, and its impacts. It is observed globally to aware of the people about the stress on resources due to population and also to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Subject: Other Topic: Essay. Introduction: World Population day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. This is a day to spread awareness about the problems related to the population. The population on our planet is growing by the day however there are still many parts of the world that are under-populated + Words Essay on World Population Day. As a planet, there are abundant challenges we face about our future. Pollution, depleting natural resources, climate change crisis are all major difficulties we must try and resolve. However, our biggest challenge still remains the exponentially rising world population. Over the last years, our planet has seen such a population explosion that it has Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Short and Long Essay on World Population Day for Students
World Population Day is celebrated on 11 th July each year. The day has exclusively been chosen to spread awareness about the problems arising due to the growing population world over. It is a leading cause for various other problems. By dedicating a special day to this concern, attention is drawn towards the issue that leads to this growing problem.
Here are essay on World Population Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can go with any World Population Day Essay which you like the most:. Population of many countries around the world is growing at a rapid speed. The growth in population is leading to numerous problems such as unemployment, poverty, essay on world population day, rising global warming, deforestation and more.
The need to dedicate a special day to this global problem was felt about 3 decades back. It was the Governing Council of the Essay on world population day Nations Development Programme that came up with the idea of celebrating 11 th July as World Population Day.
The day is being celebrated each year since Numerous activities are organized on World Population Day to draw essay on world population day towards the growing population issues. Big and small events are organized as a part of World Population Day celebration. Efforts are made to gather people so that they can make the most of these events. Speeches are delivered to help people understand the need to control population.
The problems that arise due to overpopulation are covered extensively in these speeches. Ways to curb the problem of growing population are also discussed during these events. Different themes are set for World Population Day each year. The events and activities organized on this day focus on the specific theme of the year in addition to emphasizing the overall need to control the population.
World Population Day is a day to spread awareness about the problems related to population. The population on our planet is growing by the day however there are still many parts of the world that are under-populated. Both over population and under population are a cause of concern. The Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme initiated this event in This particular date was inspired from the public sentiment on 5 billion day.
It was the date on which the global population reached a whopping five billion essay on world population day the year Population had been an increasing cause of concern since decades however as it reached the five billion mark, the need to educate people about its graveness was felt, essay on world population day.
Demographer at World Bank, Dr. K C Zachariah suggested this date, essay on world population day. Population is a grave essay on world population day which leads to numerous other problems.
World Population Day has particularly been established to help people understand the importance of issues related to population and also to make them understand as to how they can contribute towards controlling this problem, essay on world population day. Different themes are set each year to make people aware about the various problems related to population.
World Population Day is an opportunity to acquaint people about the serious population related problems. Different themes set each year are a way to highlight different population related issues. World Population Day, celebrated on the essay on world population day th of July each year, is a day to bring forth the problem of population and make the general public realize how their contribution can help in curbing this problem to a large extent.
In order to highlight the various problems leading to population growth, different themes are set each year and activities related to the same are planned. There are a number of advantages of World Population Day.
It is a way to highlight the various problems related to population growth. It serves as a platform to educate the masses about how the global population is growing by the day. Various problems that are an outcome of the rapidly growing population are highlighted through different events and activities organized on this day. Some of these include unemployment, poverty, rise in pollution level, rapid consumption of natural resources, global warming, deforestation and decline in biodiversity.
Many people especially those living in remote regions are unaware about the problem of population. These people are sensitized about population related problems. Speeches are delivered and camps are organized to reach out to more and more people. Many organizations especially NGOs volunteer to go to such places and spread awareness about population related problems to help people understand how this is gradually leading to the destruction of our planet.
By way of various activities on World Population Day, people are made aware about the advantages of population control. Some of these advantages include better employment opportunities, raised standard of living, greener essay on world population day, rich biodiversity and less pollution. This inspires people to help control the population.
Numerous events are organized at different places around the world and speeches are delivered not only to highlight population related problems but also the ways in which people can help in overcoming these. People are made aware about how their contribution can help and are also requested to render help in overcoming this serious problem.
By way of various activities organized on World Population Day people are made aware about the problems related to population, essay on world population day, how they can help overcome these problems and how would they benefit if this problem is controlled. This encourages people to put in efforts to overcome this global problem. It is thus a great initiative by the United Nations to control the problem of growing population. World Population Day is celebrated each year on the 11 th of July since Population is a big concern today.
It is a leading cause of numerous other serious problems and it must be controlled to ensure a healthier and happier environment, essay on world population day. World Population Day is a way to highlight the problems related to population to people living in different parts of the world. Many organizations including NGOs, hospitals, schools and offices organize activities and celebrate this day to share this global problem with people in an interesting way and seek help from them to control it.
World Population Day celebrations are an attempt to spread awareness about the problems occurring due to overpopulation as well as under population. There is particularly a dire need to educate people about the problems arising due to the growing population as it is leading to various other problems including increasing global warming, deforestation, unemployment, etc.
The United Nations encourages the celebration of this unique day to ensure that the purpose behind establishing this day is met. A number of activities are organized to celebrate this day at different places around the world. Various organizations come up with innovative ideas to celebrate this day and put across the point in an effective way.
Skits and plays highlighting the problems occurring due to overpopulation are organized in countries with high population while those highlighting the concerns of under population are organized in countries essay on world population day the population density is low.
In schools and other educational institutes, debate competitions are organized to discuss the issues related to population. These include issues such as family planning, maternal health, gender equality, etc, essay on world population day. Speeches are delivered at various places to address the problem of population.
This helps in spreading awareness about this serious problem which is a cause of many other grave problems. People are also made aware about the ways they can contribute towards controlling this problem.
Camps are organized essay on world population day sensitize people about the importance of family planning. Several social media campaigns are run as a part of the World Population Day activity. These campaigns are a good way to acquaint people with population related problems. Since people have become tech-savvy these days and are hooked to social media, these campaigns are a good way to reach out to the masses. Thus, World Population Day is celebrated in various parts of the world in different ways.
Various innovative activities are organized on this day and large numbers of people are seen participating in the same. World Population Day is an effort to control population related issues by spreading awareness about the same and seeking help from the masses.
It is being celebrated on the 11 th of July each year since As more essay on world population day more people essay on world population day to know about the serious problems arising due to population growth, they are inspired to extend help in that direction. Some of the most highly populated countries in this world include China, India, Indonesia, United States and Brazil. World Population Day especially aims to cater to the general public of such countries to highlight the various problems being faced due to the rapid growth in population.
Being the major contributors of the global population, the people of these countries must be sensitized on the need to control population and World Population Day is indeed a great initiative in this direction. Besides, these countries have also essay on world population day certain policies to control their population. For instance, China has set the one child per family policy wherein the couples planning a second baby are penalized. In India, there is a policy to encourage couples to delay family planning for at least two years post marriage.
World Population Day is seen as an opportunity to highlight the benefits of population control. This works as an inspiration for people to help in population control:. Our natural resources are being consumed at a rapid speed due to the increasing population. This is leading to the scarcity of natural resources which are essential for the survival of the human beings as well as various other species on Earth. Population control will help in curbing this problem.
Population control will curb this problem as the demand and supply ratio will come at par. The rising population is leading to a number of problems such as deforestation, increased pollution and global warming. Population control will help in bringing down these problems and this will help in creating a cleaner and greener environment.
All these points are put across by way of various activities organized on the World Population Day. There are certain countries in the world that are under populated. Monaco, Vatican City, Falkland Island and Greenland are examples of such countries. These countries have their own set of problems. In countries such as these World Population Day activities help in spreading awareness about the problems of being scarcely populated.
Different themes are chosen for the World Population Day each year and various events focusing on those particular themes are organized on this day. These are all sensitive issues and need to be put across tactfully. Many schools, hospitals, NGOs and other organizations volunteer to organize events on this day, essay on world population day.
Essay on World Population Day -- 10 lines on World Population day 2021-- World Population Day 11July
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May 29, · Short Essay on World Population Day Words in English. World Population Day essay will be useful for students studying in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The 11th of July is celebrated as World Population Day. The day aims to popularize various measures that can contribute to toning down the Population growth rate in the world. The adverse situation of rapid population growth has been of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Subject: Other Topic: Essay. Introduction: World Population day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. This is a day to spread awareness about the problems related to the population. The population on our planet is growing by the day however there are still many parts of the world that are under-populated Jan 06, · Introduction. World Population Day is observed every year on 11th July to raise awareness on the world population, its growth, and its impacts. It is observed globally to aware of the people about the stress on resources due to population and also to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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