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Fridtjof Nansen - Wikipedia

Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen Norwegian: [ˈfrɪ̂tːjɔf ˈnɑ̀nsn̩] ; 10 October — 13 May was a Norwegian polymath and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He gained prominence at various points in his life as an explorer, scientist, custom papers, diplomat and humanitarian. He led the team that made the first crossing of the Greenland interior intraversing the island on cross-country skis.

Although custom papers retired from exploration after his return to Norway, his techniques of polar travel and his innovations in equipment and clothing influenced a generation of subsequent Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.

Nansen studied zoology at the Royal Frederick University in Christiania and later worked as a curator at the University Museum of Bergen where his research on the central nervous system of lower marine creatures earned him a doctorate and helped establish neuron doctrine. Later, neuroscientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research on the same subject. As one of his country's leading citizens, in Nansen spoke out for the ending of Norway's union with Swedenthe papar store, and was instrumental in persuading Custom papers Carl of Denmark to accept the throne of the newly independent Norway.

Between and he served as the Norwegian representative in London, where he helped negotiate the Integrity Treaty that guaranteed Norway's independent status. In the final decade of his life, Nansen devoted himself primarily to the League of Nationsfollowing his appointment in as the League's High Commissioner for Refugees.

The papar store he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on behalf of the displaced victims of World War I and related the papar store. Among the initiatives he introduced was the " Nansen passport " for stateless persons, a certificate that used to be recognized by more than 50 countries.

He worked on behalf of refugees until his sudden death inafter which the League established the Nansen The papar store Office for Refugees to ensure that his work continued. This the papar store received the Nobel Peace Prize in His name is commemorated in numerous geographical features, particularly in the polar regions.

The Nansen family originated in Denmark. Hans Nansen —a trader, was an early explorer of the White Sea region of the Arctic Ocean. In later life he settled in Copenhagen, becoming the city's borgmester in Later generations of the family lived in Copenhagen until the midth century, when Ancher Antoni Nansen moved to Norway then in a union with Denmark.

His son, Hans Leierdahl Nansen —was a magistrate first in the Trondheim district, later in Jæren. After Norway's separation from Denmark inhe entered national political life as the representative for Stavanger in the first Stortingcustom papers, and became a strong advocate of union with Sweden.

After suffering a paralytic stroke in Hans Leierdahl Nansen died, leaving a four-year-old son, Baldur Fridtjof Nansen, the explorer's the papar store. Baldur was a lawyer custom papers ambitions for public life, who became Reporter to the Supreme Court of Norway. He married twice, the custom papers time to Adelaide Johanne Thekla Isidore Bølling Wedel-Jarlsberg from Bæruma niece of Herman Wedel-Jarlsberg who had helped the papar store the Norwegian constitution of and was later the Swedish king's Norwegian The papar store. The couple had three children; the first died in infancy, the second, born 10 Octoberwas Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen.

Store Frøen's rural surroundings shaped the nature of Nansen's childhood. In the short summers the main activities were swimming and fishing, while in the autumn the chief pastime was hunting for game in the forests.

The long winter months were devoted mainly to skiing, which Nansen began to practice at the age of two, on improvised skis. This exploit had near-disastrous consequences, as on landing the skis dug deep into the snow, pitching the boy forward: "I, head first, described a fine arc in the air The boys thought I had broken my neck, but as soon as they saw there was life in me a shout of mocking laughter went up. At school, Nansen worked adequately without showing the papar store particular aptitude.

He became an accomplished skier and a highly proficient skater. Life was disrupted when, in the summer ofAdelaide Nansen died suddenly, custom papers.

Distressed, Baldur Nansen sold the Store Frøen property and moved with his two sons to Christiania. In Nansen passed his university entrance examination, the examen artium. He decided to study zoologyclaiming later that he chose the subject because he thought it offered the chance of a life in the open air, custom papers. He began his studies at the Royal Frederick University in Christiania early in Early in Nansen took " the first fatal step that led me astray from the quiet life of science.

Nansen was enthusiastic, custom papers, and made arrangements through custom papers recent acquaintance, Captain Axel Krefting, commander of the sealer Viking. The voyage began on 11 March and extended over the following five months. In the weeks before sealing started, Nansen was able to concentrate on scientific studies. His readings also demonstrated that the Gulf Stream flows beneath a cold layer of surface water.

Nansen became an expert marksman, custom papers, and on one day proudly recorded that his team had shot seal. In July, Viking became trapped in the ice close to an unexplored section of the Greenland coast; Nansen longed to go ashore, but this was impossible. Nansen did not resume formal studies at the university. Instead, on Collett's recommendation, he accepted a post as curator in the zoological department of the Custom papers Museum.

He was to spend the next six years of his life there—apart from a six-month sabbatical tour of Europe—working and studying with leading figures such as Gerhard Armauer Hansenthe discoverer of the leprosy bacillus, the papar store, [14] and Daniel Cornelius Danielssenthe museum's director who had turned it from a backwater collection into a centre of scientific research and education, the papar store.

Before leaving for his sabbatical in February he published a paper summarising his research to date, in which he stated that "anastomoses or unions between the different ganglion cells" could not be demonstrated with certainty. This unorthodox view was confirmed by the simultaneous researches of the embryologist Wilhelm His and the psychiatrist August Forel, the papar store. Nansen is considered the first Norwegian defender of the neuron theory, originally proposed by Santiago Ramón y Cajal.

His subsequent paper, custom papers, The Structure and Combination of Histological Elements of the Central Nervous Systempublished inbecame his doctoral thesis. The idea of an expedition across the Greenland icecap grew in Nansen's mind throughout his Bergen years.

Inafter the submission of his doctoral thesishe finally began organising this project. Before then, the two most significant penetrations of custom papers Greenland interior had been those of Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld inand Robert Peary in Both had set out from Disko Bay on the western coast, custom papers, and had travelled about kilometres mi eastward before turning back. A party setting out from the inhabited west coast would, he reasoned, have to make a return trip, as no ship could be certain of reaching the dangerous east coast and picking them up.

The party would have no line of retreat to a safe base; the only way to go would be forward, custom papers, a situation that fitted Nansen's philosophy completely. Nansen rejected the complex organisation and heavy manpower of other Arctic ventures, and instead planned his expedition for a small party of six.

Supplies would be manhauled on specially designed lightweight sledges. Much of the equipment, including sleeping bags, clothing and cooking stoves, also needed to be designed from scratch. the chances are ten to one that he will uselessly throw his own and perhaps others' lives away". The project was eventually launched with a donation from a Danish businessman, Augustin Gamél; the rest came mainly from small contributions from Nansen's countrymen, through a fundraising effort organised by students at the university.

Despite the adverse publicity, Nansen received numerous applications from would-be adventurers. He wanted expert skiers, and attempted to recruit from the skiers of Telemark, but his approaches were rebuffed. The remaining places went to Otto Sverdrupa former sea-captain who had more recently worked as a forester; Oluf Christian Dietrichsonan army the papar store, and Kristian Kristiansenan acquaintance of Sverdrup's.

All had experience of outdoor life in extreme conditions, the papar store, and were experienced skiers. In accordance with custom he was required to defend his work before appointed examiners acting as "devil's advocates". He left before knowing the outcome of this process. The sealer Jason picked up Nansen's party on 3 June from the papar store Icelandic port of Ísafjörður. They sighted the Greenland coast a week later, but thick pack ice hindered progress. With the coast still 20 kilometres 12 mi away, Nansen decided to launch the small boats.

They were within sight of Sermilik Fjord on 17 July; Nansen believed it would offer a route up the icecap. The expedition left Jason "in good spirits and with the highest hopes of a fortunate result, custom papers. Weather and sea conditions prevented them from the papar store the shore.

They spent most time camping on the ice itself—it was too dangerous to launch the boats. By 29 July, they found themselves kilometres mi south of the point where they left the ship. That day they finally reached land but were too far south to begin the crossing. Nansen ordered the team back into the boats after a brief rest and to begin rowing north.

They encountered a large Eskimo encampment on the first day, near Cape Steen Bille. The party reached Umivik Bay on 11 August, after covering kilometres mi. Nansen decided they needed to begin the crossing. Although they were still far south of his intended starting place; the season was becoming too advanced, custom papers. They set out on the evening of custom papers August, heading north-west towards Christianhaab on the western shore of Disko Bay— kilometres mi away.

Over the next few days, the party struggled to ascend. The inland ice had a treacherous surface with many hidden crevasses and the weather was bad. Progress stopped for three days because of violent storms and continuous rain one time. They would not be able to reach it in time, Nansen concluded on 26 August. He ordered a change of course due west, towards Godthaab ; a shorter journey by at least kilometres 93 mi.

The rest the papar store the party, the papar store, according to Nansen, custom papers, "hailed the change of plan with acclamation. They continued climbing until 11 September and reached a height of 2, custom papers, metres 8, ft above sea level. From then on the downward slope made travelling easier.

Yet, the terrain was rugged and the weather remained hostile. On 26 September, they battled their way down the edge of a fjord westward towards Godthaab. Sverdrup constructed a makeshift boat out of parts of the sledges, willows, and their tent.

Three days later, Nansen and Sverdrup began the last stage of the journey; rowing down the fjord. On 3 October, they reached Godthaabwhere the Danish town representative greeted them. He first informed Nansen that he secured his doctorate, a matter that "could not have been more remote from [Nansen's] thoughts at that moment, custom papers.

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